Jakub Krzemiński
Warsaw / August 18, 2021

At the end of the first part of the article about Angela Merkel, we mentioned that the fact of her leadership of the Christian Democratic Union is a cynical mockery of both Christianity and democracy, as she is a typical product of totalitarian and atheistic "Eastern zone" of Germany, also known as “German Democratic Republic” or “DDR” which existed under Soviet suzerainty from 1959 until 1990.
Well… almost everyone who has been interested in German politics and recent history, knows about Ms. Merkel’s connections with KGB and Stasi. Accordingly, many people keep wondering how exactly did it happen that such a person found herself at the head of the Christian Democratic Union, and later took over the highest state post in Germany? Below we will try to answer that extremely important question.
It would be hardly an exaggeration to say that the dizzying career of Angela Merkel was a result of a long-term implementation operation, the so-called "active event", if we use the intelligence lingo. The implementation plan was developed and implemented by the head of Stasi Markus (AKA "Mischa") Wolf with the active participation of Wolf's colleague and friend, KGB chief Yuri Andropov. The operational contacts of the implementation, among others, were Lothar de Maiziere, Wolfgang Schaeuble and Helmut Kohl.
Shortly before the unification of Germany, on the direct instructions of Markus Wolf and with his personal participation, the Stasi created the "Christian Democratic Union DDR". Its head was appointed Lothar de Maiziere, a son of a lawyer and nephew of a Wehrmacht general. He later became the first and the only "non-communist" Premier of DDR. De Maiziere created a coalition that included the puppet party called "Democratic Breakthrough" which had been also created by the Stasi. One of the key roles in that "Democratic Breakthrough" was played by Angela Merkel. After the failure of that party in the elections to the People's Chamber, its former press secretary Angela Merkel was hired by de Maiziere into a position within his personal apparatus. At the same time, she left the "Democratic Breakthrough" to become a member of the Christian Democratic Union DDR. Going a little further, we should note that at the end of 1990, a journalistic investigation was published, according to which Lothar de Maiziere was an "unofficial employee" (or an agent) of the State Security Service of DDR (Stasi) under the code nickname "Czerni". Following that scandal, Mr. de Maiziere was forced to retire from politics.
Merkel was not just an employee of the Prime Minister's office. She was the shadow of "agent Czerni" at the most important events including the high-level discussions and negotiations regarding the future unification of Germany, as well as the amalgamation of the Christian Democratic Unions of East and West Germany. On October 3, 1990, the day of German unification, Merkel became a ministerial adviser to the Federal Ministry of Press and Information of Germany. That was the beginning of her ascent to the highest positions both in her party and in the German government.
Merkel's first meetings with Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl and the gray cardinal of German politics, Wolfgang Schaeuble, took place just during her voyages in de Maiziere's entourage. During the "active event", Merkel was brought together with these most influential characters in West Germany. This is especially true in regards with Wolfgang Schaeuble, who has been the most powerful figure in the German elite until today. This paralyzed man, who does not get out of a wheelchair after a mysterious attempt on his life, is mentioned by a number of analysts as one of those who can possibly take the post of Federal Chancellor after Merkel resigns.
On November 7, 1998, Wolfgang Schaeuble was elected Chairman of the CDU. At the same time, at his suggestion, Angela Merkel received the post of General Secretary of the CDU — one of the key posts in the party, which was then in opposition. Helmut Kohl who became the Honorary Chairman of the party, was elected to the Presidium and Federal Board of the CDU.
In November 1999, an unexpected scandal broke out over the illegal financing of the CDU. After an interview with Helmut Kohl, which he gave to the ZDF channel on December 16, 1999, it became obvious that, bypassing the German Law "On Political Parties", the former Federal Chancellor and the current Honorary Chairman of the CDU received financial funds for the party, amounting to millions. Kohl refused to name the sponsors, citing his “word of honor”. On December 22, 1999, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung published an article by Secretary General Angela Merkel, in which the author criticized the behavior of Helmut Kohl and called on the party to decisively break with the "old guard". The "old guard", accordingly, was to be replaced by the "young guard"… But with what kind of "young guard"? Well… predominantly, with the one born and bred inside the Stasi.
On February 16, 2000, Wolfgang Schaeuble announced in the CDU/CSU parliamentary faction that he was resigning from the post of party chairman and faction leader. For several weeks, the party remained without leadership, and Angela Merkel, in her capacity of its General Secretary, was holding the key position in the party. During that period, there were held nine so-called "regional conferences" at which the consequences of the financial scandal with ordinary party members were discussed and the actions to follow were worked out. Those local party conferences saw the consolidation of the forces that supported Merkel's candidacy for the post of the party chairman. Later, the beginning of Merkel’s career in the party played well into her hands, as in the eyes of both the general public and party members, she was one of very few members of the key figures of CDU not involved in financial scams. As a result, at the CDU federal party congress held on April 10, 2000 in Essen, 897 out of 935 valid votes were cast for the new party chairman whose name was… Angela Merkel.
In the above short summary of events, we see typical signs of an infiltration operation, also known as "an active event":
A) Introduction of the infiltrated “object” to the initial key positions through high-level operational contacts (de Maiziere, Schaeuble, Kohl).
B) Creation of a situation that would eliminate the operational contacts that are no longer necessary, with the subsequent implantation of “the object” in their place.
Thus, an East German atheist with a totalitarian mentality became the first person in the major conservative party of Germany, the name and essence of which are diametrically opposed to the features of her mentality. It is well known that the majority of the members of that party used to treat people from the "Eastern Zone" with contempt and distrust. But they didn't really notice how, all of a sudden, they found themselves under the command of one of those despised “Ossies”. Thus, the
infiltration operation developed by Markus Wolf was successfully implemented. As a result, what happened was the transformation of the unified Germany that was well defined by Russian historian Mark Solonin (now resident of Estonia) who said: "The former West Germany has turned into a new East Germany."
PS. In 1995, the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany issued a decision that released East German intelligence officers from prosecution on charges of high treason and espionage. According to Markus Wolf, who was arrested after returning from Russia to Germany in September 1993, during interrogations he did not give up any of the foreign intelligence agents of the former GDR known to him.
PPS. Markus Wolf left the post of the head of the Main Intelligence Department of the Ministry of State Security of GDR, known as Stasi, in 1986. However, there is no such thing as the former spies, especially the former spies of such high quality as Wolf. Markus Wolf successfully completed the operation which was, probably, the main one in his career, and neither arrests nor court hearings were able to prevent it. “Old Markus” also saw the peak of the ascent of his creation Angela Merkel. He died in peace and prosperity in 2006 and has been buried at Friedrichsfelde cemetery in Berlin next to his idols Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg. This cemetery has been the most honorable burial place during the GDR period… Sort of the local “Kremlin wall”. It seems that it remains so today.