What is the most effective approach to teaching history in the modern age? This question is particularly relevant today. In the past, history books and lectures were typically presented to students as lengthy and dry texts, often lacking illustrations or maps. Although some educators did incorporate high-quality historical maps, this was more of an exception than a rule.
In today's world, can we expect to captivate students with dense and obscure texts filled with unfamiliar names and events? It seems unlikely. Just as Lewis Carroll's iconic character Alice pondered in 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland,' 'What is the use of a book without pictures ...?'
Why did I reference Alice? Because it's no secret that students are increasingly accustomed to visual stimulation, and it's challenging to maintain their interest with dry texts alone. On the other hand, certain historical facts and events are easier to remember when accompanied by visual aids such as maps.
Therefore, we have ample opportunities in this field and should continue to explore innovative methods of historical education.

Usually, when writing my books, I do not engage in seeking sponsors or begging for support. Therefore, let me affirm with full responsibility that this book (atlas) will be published regardless of any external financial assistance. However, if any of you decide to contribute to this project, which, as recent events have clearly demonstrated, is needed not only by me, I will be grateful for any possible financial support. Self-explanatory, your contribution will expedite the publication of this book.
Of course, none of the sponsors will be forgotten, and your names will be included in the book - in the list of those who supported its creation (excluding those who wish to remain anonymous). Additionally, everyone who makes a donation of up to $100 will receive free access to the electronic version of the book, and those who donate more than a hundred dollars will receive a paper copy of the book with a dedication from the author. I sincerely thank you in advance for your invaluable assistance.
About the book
The Eastern Mediterranean, also known as the Middle East, includes the territory of Israel, its Arab neighbors, Turkey, western Iran, the South Caucasus, and several adjacent lands. In forgone epochs, this region was the cradle of several ancient civilizations, the heirs of which are many of us - people living on five continents. Here, two of the three world religions (Christianity and Islam) originated. Once, exact sciences, various arts, literature, and philosophy flourished here. And for almost a hundred and a half years now, the Middle East has been a "hot zone" - the arena of almost continuous wars, ethnic and religious conflicts, the most severe ethnic cleansings, and mass terror, like a plague spreading throughout the world...
Why is this happening? Many historians and political scientists shrug helplessly and write in their articles and prefaces to their books the powerless phrase: "Something went wrong"... But what, when, and why - the majority of learned men avoid answering these questions. For many reasons - including purely pragmatic ones.
At the same time, various false and destructive myths flourish in the region and around it, actively fueling existing prejudices, turning into hatred, and leading to mass killings...
It cannot be said that the history of the Middle East is not studied or poorly studied. It is studied well enough, but at the moment, there is no book that would vividly and truthfully show the reader the millennia-old history of the region in a concise form and teach them to draw their own conclusions about who lived where and when and who has a legitimate right to which territory. The book is intended to address these pressing questions and provide clarity on sensitive issues.
It includes a significant number of illustrations, about fifty color maps facilitating the understanding of historical events briefly described in the corresponding chapters covering the period from 1450 BC to the present day. Additionally, it provides an extensive bibliography for readers interested in delving deeper into specific events.
Selected maps from the book